Angelique Wortelboer

Angelique Wortelboer

  • Interview Medicine On The Move


    During our study we learn a lot about being a good doctor. However, even though migration has been greatly discussed in our society, it is not touched upon within our study. Because of this issue, Medicine on the Move was founded in June 2020 by Elena Soldati, Nienke Jensma and Macky Done. In only 6 months the committee grew from 3 members to 12. Their main objective is to create awareness within the future doctors on health and migration. They hope to inspire future doctors to learn and research more on this topic and create a more inclusive health care system in the future. Because of their good cause, we decided to interview them.

  • Het nest verlaten


    Er komt een moment in je geneeskundestudie dat je niet meer in het UMCG of Martiniziekenhuis kan stagelopen. Op dat moment moet je toch echt je vleugels uitslaan en ergens buiten Groningen een stageplek kiezen. Om studenten wat meer inzicht te geven in hun keuze vragen we in deze nieuwe rubriek elke editie twee studenten om iets te vertellen over hun stageplek in M2. In deze editie vertellen geneeskundestudenten Suzanne en Thomas over hun ervaring in Zwolle (Isala) en Enschede (MST). 

  • Inside the Refugee Crisis - volunteering in a refugee camp


    Moria. A cute little village on a small hill on the beautiful island of Lesbos. Also, a fictional mine complex overrun by goblins in Middle Earth. However, both of those are not what most people would associate the name ‘’Moria’’ with, when talking about the refugee crisis in Europe.

  • Budget date spots in Groningen


    Begin je al misselijk te worden van vijfde eerste date bij Pizzeria Italia? Is dit nou al de derde keer naar de bios deze maand met de girls? Heb je elke vierkante meter van het Noorderplantsoen al afgechilld? Dan is deze lijst met goedkope en originele date spots helemaal voor jou. Of je nou aan het daten bent, met je vriend of vriendin gaat of met je vrienden wilt hangen, deze spots zijn een gegarandeerd succes (of in ieder geval goedkoop).

  • That one physiologist with the microphone


    Rob Bakels. Any student at the medical faculty will know his name. He’s often been chosen lecturer of the year by the student body and is the centre of meme culture. Each time a theme concerns the heart or lungs, expect him to be there, and expect to have to answer a question with sweaty palms and a red face. At least afterwards, you’ll have learned something... For this edition we took our chance to ask this well-known lecturer a couple questions. 

  • Got that summertime sickness


    Last year summer vacation: it was a hot summer. It was dry, it was sunny, it was fun. And with all the climate change, the heatwaves will probably keep coming. Is that bad? for my mood: no. For a lot of other things: yes. And on top of that, the chances of getting, for example, those annoying ticks and other not so great diseases will rise too.

  • Back into the past: The Incas


    The Inca Empire was a powerful nation from the beginning of the fifteenth century until 1572, when the Spaniards captured the last city of the Incas: Vilcabamba in current day Ecuador. Who were these people? How was their medical system organized? What procedures were involved? Today, we'll explore the barbaric and remarkable practices of the long extinct Incas.

  • Medical expressions: ''He has a hole in his hand?!''


    “Een gat in zijn hand hebben,” “het komt voor bakker” and “de bloemetjes buiten zetten”: all these phrases might sound a bit weird for a non-Dutch person, but these are some proverbs that Dutch people use in daily life. So for you as a medical student, here are some proverbs explained which have a medical or anatomical twist to them. And hopefully, you can use them too.