Onderzoeksvoorstel IPE and professional culture

Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen
Stage- en onderzoeksplaatsen
Branche / Vakgebied
Vereiste taal
Engels, Nederlands


Onderzoeksvoorstel IPE and professional culture

Title: Investigating Interprofessional Education in maternity care

Over the last decades, healthcare has undergone a transformation. Both demographics/epidemiology as well as population demands have changed tremendously. Impressive technological innovations have been made. And more (different) healthcare employees have been added to the workforce.(1)
Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) is therefore more important than ever and future care providers must be prepared for this. Interprofessional education (IPE) takes place when students from different courses learn with, from and about each other. It is necessary to train the caregivers that are able to
navigate the future landscape of practice. (2-5) There are various educational theories that relate to IPE, such as: social constructivism, social learning theory, contextual learning and collaborative learning. Based on these theories, the department of gynecology and obstetrics has implemented an innovative
IPE activity where students in nursing, midwifery and medicine care for patients together. These three different professions have a different professional culture. These differences in culture have an impact on interprofessional education and collaboration. For example, power dynamics have an influence on learning. (6) However, culture as a concept is not well described within medical education. (6-8) In this study we aim to describe professional culture within the context of medical education. Two questions are central to this research project:

1. How can professional habitus / culture best be described within the context of medical
2. How does professional habitus / culture impact interprofessional learning?

This is an ethnographic study investigating professional habitus / culture on a maternity ward in an academic hospital in Groningen. In this project we aim to collaborate with students from social sciences and to start in februari 2023. During this science elective (stage wetenschap) you have the opportunity to gain experience with scientific research within medical education. There is much interaction with the various stakeholders and the research group. We are therefore looking for a communicative student with an interest in the subject and affinity with medical education. The research will be part of a research line on the subject of IPE within the department of obstetrics and gynaecology.

(1) Frenk J, Chen L, Bhutta ZA, Cohen J, Crisp N, Evans T, et al. Health professionals for a new century:
transforming education to strengthen health systems in an interdependent world. Lancet 2010
December 04;376(9756):1923-1958.

(2) Paradis E, Whitehead CR. Beyond the Lamppost: A Proposal for a Fourth Wave of Education for
Collaboration. Acad Med 2018 October 01;93(10):1457-1463.

(3) Stalmeijer RE, Varpio L. The wolf you feed: Challenging intraprofessional workplace-based education
norms. Med Educ 2021 August 01;55(8):894-902.

(4) Gilbert JH, Yan J, Hoffman SJ. A WHO report: framework for action on interprofessional education and
collaborative practice. J Allied Health 2010 January 01;39 Suppl 1:196-197.

(5) Reeves S, Pelone F, Harrison R, Goldman J, Zwarenstein M. Interprofessional collaboration to improve
professional practice and healthcare outcomes. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2017 June

(6) Looman N, van Woezik T, van Asselt D, Scherpbier-de Haan N, Fluit C, de Graaf J. Exploring power
dynamics and their impact on intraprofessional learning. Med Educ 2022 April 01;56(4):444-455.

(7) Bearman M, Mahoney P, Tai J, Castanelli D, Watling C. Invoking culture in medical education research:
A critical review and metaphor analysis. Med Educ 2021 August 01;55(8):903-911.

(8) Watling CJ, Ajjawi R, Bearman M. Approaching culture in medical education: Three perspectives. Med
Educ 2020 April 01;54(4):289-295.

Korte beschrijving:
De zorg in Nederland staat erg onder druk en samenwerking tussen verschillende zorgverleners wordt steeds belangrijker. Interprofessioneel onderwijs (IPE) waarbij studenten van verschillende opleidingen met, van en over elkaar leren is essentieel om studenten voor te bereiden op interprofessioneel samenwerken. Op dit youtube filmpje leggen we dat verder uit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq48o5ZwHAY. Recent is de afdeling obstetrie & gynaecologie gestart met een IPE-unit waar studente verpleegkunde, verloskunde en geneeskunde samen voor patiënte zorgen. Deze verschillende beroepsgroepen kennen elk een eigen professionele cultuur of habitus (manier van doen) die een effect hebben op interprofessioneel leren. Het is echter niet goed bekend wat de impact is van verschillen in professionele cultuur op het leerproces. Dit onderzoek heeft dan ook de volgende onderzoeksvragen: 1) hoe kan professionele cultuur/habitus het beste worden omschreven binnen de context van medisch onderwijs? En 2) wat is de impact van professionele cultuur/habitus op interprofessioneel leren? Dit is een kwalitatieve studie waarbij gebruikt wordt gemaakt van observatie en interviews. Je werkt daarbij samen met studenten sociale wetenschappen. Er is veel interactie met de verschillende stakeholders en de onderzoeksgroep. We zoeken dan ook een communicatief vaardige student met interesse in het onderwerp en affiniteit met medisch onderwijs. Bij een wederzijdse positieve ervaring bestaat er de mogelijkheid op vervolgprojecten, bijvoorbeeld binnen een MD-PhD traject.