Survey Introduction 2018

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Which LC are you in?

Did you attend both facultary introduction days?

How would you grade the first facultary introduction day (Friday)? (1 being the lowest)

Do you have any points of improvement for the first day?
How would you grade the second facultary introduction day (Tuesday)?

Do you have any points of improvement for the second day?
How would you grade your mentors?

What could they have done better?
How would you grade the content of the information you received about the introduction?

Do you have any points of improvement?
How would you grade the timing of the information you received about the introduction?

Did you get enough information about the curriculum during the intro?

Is there anything you would like to have added?
Did you attend the camp?

If not, why not?
How would you grade the camp?

Do you have any points of improvement?
What did you think of the integration with the students of the other LCs?
Do you have any additional comments or points of improvement about the introduction as a whole?
What is your mentor group number?
Questions almanac (yearbook) 2018

Below are a couple of questions for the Almanac of 2018! All answers are anonymous.

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