Registration form first years

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Personal information

Student information

VvAA is the biggest network of health care providers, with more than 130.000 members. You are a part of our extensive network with your (free) membership and you will have access to all the benefits that come with it. You can find more information on With membership of the VvAA you agree that the M.F.V. Panacea provides your contact details to the VvAA association for membership and to VvAA Group B.V., so that you can receive information, news and benefits that are relevant to you (only digitally and with a maximum of once a week).
* The General Terms and Conditions apply to the membership. For this we refer you to
* VvAA respects the privacy of its members and customers. For more information about how we handle personal data, for this we refer you to

De Geneeskundestudent(DG) represents your interests! DG is the national, independent representative body for medical students. We stand for optimum self-development, studying under the best conditions, the right doctor in the right place and social involvement. In doing so, we strive for the best possible future healthcare professionals.  
De Geneeskundestudent is one of the eight federation partners of the KNMG, the Royal Dutch Society for the Advancement of Medicine (Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot bevordering der Geneeskunst). Doctors and students who are members of a federation partner are automatically affiliated with the KNMG. With this, the KNMG represents a constituency of over 59,000 doctors and medical students.
As a member of De Geneeskundestudent, you are - together with over 15,000 other members - represented by De Geneeskundestudent.

I want to become a member of 'De Geneeskundestudent' (hereafter referred to as DG).
By becoming a DG member I give permission to the board of M.F.V. Panacea to share the following personal information with DG: surname, first name, gender, date of birth, address, postal code, city, and email address. DG will share this information with the Royal Dutch medical association 'Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot bevordering der Geneeskunst'. As DG member you will automatically receive a free membership with the National association of employed doctors ‘Landelijke vereniging van Artsen in Dienstverband’ for the duration of your clinical rotations. DG membership will automatically be terminated when you finish your studies. 

Contact details

Contact details parents/caretakers

Website settings

Log-in details


Terms and conditions

Open the files in a new tab, to make sure given answers will not be lost. You can do this by clicking ctrl at the same time you click at a document.

Click here for the terms and conditions.

Unfortunately, the Constitution, Internal Regulations and Association Document are currently only available in Dutch.
If you have any questions about the contents, please e-mail:

General code of conduct

Click here to open the general code of conduct. 

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  • VVAA
  • LeadHealthcare
  • UMCG kikker
  • Acco
  • Green Office