Members of merit

Steven Immenga
Due to his crucial work on the fundaments of our website, Steven Immenga has been named a Member of Merit. The board finds that he can serve as an example to the association. 


Lisanne de Vos
Due to her indispensable work and effort for our association in committees as well as in the board, Lisanne de Vos has been named a Member of Merit. The board finds that she can serve as an example and a source of inspiration for all members.


Dick Hofstee
Due to his involvement in the foundation of the M.F.A. Panacea from the three former associations/foundations, Stichting Medische Faculteit Studenten Groningen, Placebo, Stichting Medische Studentenbelangen. The board finds that his contribution to the establishment of our association is of fundamental value for the current state of the association.

Niels Maijers
Due to his involvement in the foundation of the M.F.A. Panacea from the three former associations/foundations, Stichting Medische Faculteit Studenten Groningen, Placebo, Stichting Medische Studentenbelangen. The board finds that his contribution to the establishment of our association is of fundamental value for the current state of the association.

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  • Acco
  • UMCG kikker