
The Medical Faculty Association (M.F.V.) Panacea was founded on August 20, 1987 and has been around for more than 30 years now! Panacea has changed a lot in all these years and these developments have made Panacea the way she is now. To be able to understand and really get to know Panacea, it is important to explore the archives and learn a lesson or two about the history of our flourishing association!

How it all started…
A couple of years before Panacea was formed, there already were three different foundations/associations who made an effort for the medical students.  These so-called ‘mothers’ of Panacea were M.S.A.G. (Foundation Medical Association Students Groningen), Placebo en S.M.S. (Foundation Medical Studentinterests). M.S.A.G. was engaged with politics and general interests (like ProMed, the workinggroups and the MASH). Placebo was mainly involved with festivities and organising activities. S.M.S. was the head of the bookshop. Of these three foundations/associations, only M.S.A.G. received a faculty’s subsidy. The M.S.A.G. General Board was the most important decision-making organ.  A lot of coffee was drunk during these meetings, but heated discussions also took place.

Nevertheless, two and a half years went by before M.F.V. Panacea really was a fact. The cause for this merge was the financial construction of the M.S.A.G. faculty’s subsidy and the overlap the different associations had. To lead the merge, a integration-committee was founded; initially existing of six people. However difficulties were soon encountered. The successful S.M.S. didn’t want to share their assets with M.S.A.G. and Placebo. After six months, the meetings dissolved and the integration-committee put their jobs aside.  

Three of these six, Niels Maijers, Rien Molenaar en Michel Holtrighter, started where they had first left off. This time around S.M.S. and Placebo had their reservations, both because of their flourishing associations. With mister Van Puffelen (UoG) as external advisor, they began looking for a suited structure for a ‘faculty-association’. After days of discussion, a foundation-structure was consciously chosen. A foundation would be able to institute plans and ideas without permission of the General Members’ Meeting. M.S.A.G. as well as Placebo and S.M.S. all agreed with this decision. After a contest for a suitable name, foundation Panacea was founded on August 20, 1987.

Lustrum I: 1987-1992
At the founding, foundation Panacea existed of 1240 members. The first boards were primarily engaged with giving shape and content to the new foundation. Promotioncampaigns were held and new committees and activities were set up. Besides the Prom-, Almanac- and Symposiumcomittees, the PanEssay, the EventCee, Workinggroup First Aid (currently known as the UrgenCee) and Workinggroup Facultydays (currently known as the PanIC) started.

In 1993, foundation Panacea was converted into an association. At this moment, Panacea existed of 1560 members and the first lustrum, called ‘Lines’, had just been celebrated.

Lustrum II: 1992-1997
The AkCee, OrGie and the BRC were founded in 1994; the years after this many more committees, workinggroups and curriculum-representations arose. Above all, the board of that year decided to have the board year run parallel to a calendar year. This way, the new board didn’t have to be prepared for their board year during the summer holidays.

In 1991, the dentistry education was closed due to false budget cuts. Five years later, in 1996, this education was reopened and the first students of the new curriculum began their studies. At the same time a new HBO-education dental hygiene was added to the faculty. Panacea decided to give these students a place under her wings as well.

During the second lustrum, themed ‘Operation X’, the association counted 1880 members and the first Career Information day was just held.

Lustrum III: 1997-2002
In 1998, the old association song ‘drink more soda’ was replaced with a more suiting song: ‘Lady Panacea’. In this year, many different committees were founded for the new dental students, such as ProDent, which acts on behalf of the students, and Al-Dente, which organises activities for dentistry and dental hygiene. Later, the Symposium committee followed (the TaMoSympCee), as well as the Career Information day and the Dentistry Coordinator within the board.

The important theme during the third five years in the existence of Panacea, is the big move. At the end of 2002 the moving plans were realized and Panacea moves, together with the associations of Pharmacology (Pharmaciae Sacrum) and Human Movement Sciences (Studiosi Mobilae) to the rooms in the studenthall in the medical faculty’s basement. In there, the boardroom, the meetingrooms, the computerroom and the books-desk are established, which were initially localised in a little building across the road.

Immediately at the beginning of the plans, it was decided that a new logo should also be presented. Delayed due to the postponement of the move by the faculty, the new logo was eventually presented during the third lustrum ‘High Fever’.  

Lustrum IV: 2002-2007
Around the year 2002, the educations dentistry and dental hygiene had been growing exceedingly. That was when was decided that their own dental association, which already existed previously to the closing in 1991, had to be revived. In 2003, the Dental Medical Faculty Association (D.M.F.A.) Archigenes was a fact and ever since then they organise their own introduction program and activities.

In the years that followed M.F.A. wasn’t standing still. A fourth-yearcommittee was founded (currently merged with the Third Year Representation), as well as the Masterraad and a Panacea-band.

Around the same time some adjustments were made, regarding the documents and regulations of the association. In 2003, the official regulations were changed and a transitional regulation for the dental students was added. This meant that dental students who had become a member of M.F.A. Panacea before 2002 would stay, but new students couldn’t anymore.

In 2005 and 2006, the domestic regulations (DR) were completely rewritten. A renewed DR, with changes in the names of the board functions amongst others, was accepted in 2006. At the same time the association document (AD) was renewed, in which the current matters of the association are described.

The main thrust of 2007 was the fourth lustrum. Our Lady’s 20th birthday was greatly celebrated in a week full of activities with reference to the theme ‘Knock out your senses’. Thus began the journey towards the fifth, and also silver, lustrum of Panacea.

Lustrum V: 2007-2012
In 2008, a design for a new pendant was accepted. In this year, Panacea had also been determined a taxpayer and therefore the finances were carefully looked into.

In 2009, for the first time in Panacea’s history, a six-headed board took their place. Panacea’s birthday was fantastically celebrated that week, with a new overall theme; the Dies Natalis. Board 2010 looked into a new bank and books contract and the first steps towards the celebration of the fifth lustrum were made by the founding of a lustrumcommittee.

In 2011, Panacea moved into a bigger room and a perennial plan was drafted with which we could make progress for the next five years.

In 2012, it was time for the fifth and silver lustrum, themed ‘Get shocked and drop the beat’. This lustrum shocked us with a fantastic pool party and a live operation, which made the newspapers.

Lustrum VI: 2013-2017
In 2013, we look back on a grandiose musical ‘The Wiz’ in Martiniplaza, which brought us a fourstar review by the Jaques D’Ancona’s theatregroup. Furthermore, the board organised an Active Memberweekend on Ameland for the first time and they gave Panacea a fresh new look by introducing a brand-new style and restyling of the old logo. On top of this, our first honorary member was declared: Epke Zonderland.

In 2014, the Panacea app was launched and Steven Immenga was named the first member of merit. The Committee of Recommendation was set up as well and the 'Stichting Co-Out' became an official committee of our association. 

2015 was marked by a number of changes. The GMM was altered and proposals for a boardfunction- and a boardyearshift were approved. That year the musical 'Beauty and the Beast' was performed twice in the Stadsschouwburg, which gave us amazing favourable reviews. The membercard can be used as a discountcard since then and the careerpage has been totally updated. 

In 2016 the new website was built. Also, all preparations for the whole lustrumweek, which would take place in Febraury 2017, were done in 2016. The Board of 2016 was for one year ánd a month Board of the M.F.V. Panacea, so the Boardyear shifted. Also, Lisanne de Vos was named the second member of merit.

2017 was all about the 6th Lustrum of the M.F.V. Panacea: Vertigo, Dizzy from head to toe! Also the musical Aïda was performed two times for an enormous audience. Also two members of merit were named, two of the founders of the M.F.V. Panacea: Dick Hofstee en Niels Maijers.

Lustrum VII: 2018-2022
2018 was all about digitalization, internationalization and professionalism. For example, from now on almost all activities can be paid with iDEAL and the association received a sustainability label. 

In 2019 there has been a lot of focus on career en inclusion and plans have been drawn up for shifting the board year. 

2020, the Corona year. Many activities went differently than usual and unfortunately many had to be cancelled. In spite of that, a lot happened. The preparations for a board period shift have been made and a lot of attention was paid to sustainability, for which Panacea obtained a silver sustainability label. 

In 2021, both the 34th and 35th boards started. Corona also played a role this year. For example, the GMA took place online and there were several online activities. Fortunately, it was possible to enjoy a beautiful wintersport in Saalbach-Hinterglemm. In addition, in this year many preparations were made for the 7th lustrum. 

In 2022 it was time for the 7th anniversary of the M.F.V. Panacea with the theme "Abasia, frozen in motion"! Various activities took place during the months of May and June to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the association.

Lustrum VIII: 2023-present
In 2022, the 36th board started. The first full board after the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, the 36th board devoted a lot of attention to member bonding and did its best to bring the M.F.V. Panacea back to how it was before the Corona pandemic. In addition, the board structure was evaluated, the first Confidential Contact Persons were appointed and the 36th board created a Multi-Year Plan for the next three years. 

The 37th board took off in 2023. In its year, much attention was paid to career and inclusiveness, among other things, for which several new activities were organized. In addition, preparations were made for a new location of the annual induction camp. Finally, the M.F.V. Panacea was modernized by renewing its corporate identity and logo. Of course, the website could not be left out of this process, so a brand new website was also launched. 

  • Acco
  • UMCG kikker
  • VVAA
  • LeadHealthcare
  • Green Office