PanEssay - Faculteitsblad der M.F.V. Panacea

Laatste artikelen

  • Mastering the master


    Tips and tricks for mastering the master

  • Interview Medicine On The Move


    During our study we learn a lot about being a good doctor. However, even though migration has been greatly discussed in our society, it is not touched upon within our study. Because of this issue, Medicine on the Move was founded in June 2020 by Elena Soldati, Nienke Jensma and Macky Done. In only 6 months the committee grew from 3 members to 12. Their main objective is to create awareness within the future doctors on health and migration. They hope to inspire future doctors to learn and research more on this topic and create a more inclusive health care system in the future. Because of their good cause, we decided to interview them.

  • Professor Progress Test Psychiatry


    Psychiatry is a very interesting field with many nuances. Every patient has their own story and their own presentation; no two patients will ever be the same. This field which feels like you are practicing an art, with long conversation being your backdrop and flexible guidelines being your brushes. All pathology flows into each other and frequently you find yourself questioning if the person in front of you is truly mentally ill or the world is. While this might sound intimidating, you are in luck. Our health insurers do not care about these nuances and neither does the progress test. There is always only one right answer and it is neatly defined in the DSM-V. This makes it easier to give a short overview of some concepts often asked about in the Progress Test.

  • Een dankwoord


    Mijn laatste cocolumn! Met het afronden van mijn semi-artsstage volgende maand, ben ik bij de laatste pagina van mijn coschappenverhaal aangekomen.

  • Medical controversies: Internet challenges


    Some of the most insane and controversial internet challenges. Prepare for your mind to be blown by the stupidity of others.

  • Het nest verlaten


    Er komt een moment in je geneeskundestudie dat je niet meer in het UMCG of Martiniziekenhuis kan stagelopen. Op dat moment moet je toch echt je vleugels uitslaan en ergens buiten Groningen een stageplek kiezen. Om studenten wat meer inzicht te geven in hun keuze vragen we in deze nieuwe rubriek elke editie twee studenten om iets te vertellen over hun stageplek in M2. In deze editie vertellen geneeskundestudenten Suzanne en Thomas over hun ervaring in Zwolle (Isala) en Enschede (MST). 

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    Dr. House in de Praktijk

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  5. What the hell is gender?

    • Margot Pijpstra

    As a future medical professional and a member of the LGBTQI+ community, I often wonder how we can tailor our care to some of the most vulnerable membe...


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